Motherhood- Day 13, Doing Errands is AWESOME!

Today is quite possibly the best day ever- why? Cause I got out of the house and did errands!!!! Never have I been so excited to just “do things” than today. My husband is still home so I did bring him along which was helpful. I will be solo next week so may as well do some test runs. I made sure to be the one to carry his car seat, put it in and take it out of the car…try and figure out the snap & go (still having issues with that- I don’t know why the “easy” strollers are so hard for us).

The main reason for going out was a quick trip to my work to fill out paper work and submit to put Elliot on my health insurance. He was pretty good- I had tried to time everything appropriately with feeding and figured I’d have about 30 minutes- turns out he didn’t want to wait the 2 hours- but do his hour and a half deal. He cried- but then tuckered himself out and slept again…so I took advantage and stopped into CVS…where he woke up and started screaming (he was in the car with my husband so little did I know- poor kid). After a productive CVS run (Cinnamon Toast Crunch was on sale for $1.88!!! and Pre-natals were BOGO) we went home and I fed Elliot. Then we thought, that was so nice getting out- why not do some more? We are in need of a new curtain/blind thing for our slider (dogs ruined our old plastic one- which we hated anyways) so we decided to go up the street to the curtain outlet (we have SOOO much with in a mile from us, it’s awesome). It was so fun bringing Elliot into the store and telling the workers he was “almost 2 weeks” people love little babies…I can’t blame them. After that successful trip I asked my husband if he thought we had enough time to go to the food store- he’d stay in the car with Elliot)…and WE DID (this is also less than a mile from the house). So I went and got some deli meat (so pumped to be able to have deli meat again), wraps, FRUIT- lots of fruit, milk, eggs, OJ- the necessities. We have had a lot of people from church and friends who are visiting bringing us food. We have had SOOOO much food. The freezer is packed and the counters are filled with all sorts of sweets. Breast feeding I know burns a lot of calories- but I am so sick of all the junk. So getting fruit to snack on instead of sweets has made my day. So today has showed me a lot- next week I think I’ll actually be able to get out of the house and do things- for an hour at a time. Yay!



Another accomplishment today while my husband was at the gym- fed Elliot, put him down to “nap” (can you even call it napping at this age?) and took a shower..All.On.My.Own. Best feeling ever. Now let’s hope today was not a fluke and next week I will have just as much luck.

7 thoughts on “Motherhood- Day 13, Doing Errands is AWESOME!

  1. ISN’T GETTING OUT OF THE HOUSE THE BEST THING EVER?! Totally a pain to try and time everything so he isn’t screeching at the mall, but even then…it ‘s worth it just to get out and about. And doc approved me to drive (csection problems), so now I’m pumped to tackle going out with the kid, minus the hubz. It’ll be an adventure.

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