Motherhood Week 20- Just one of those Update Thingys

HOW OLD IS ELLIOT: 20 weeks & 4 days

BABY THIS WEEK/MONTH:  Hand- eye coordination continues to get better.  Likse to reach and grab onto anything hanging in front of him (I give him a TON of praise for this stuff- it’s kinda amazing when you think of how much of a helpless lump they used to be).  Wants to hold his bottle and feed himself- he’s not really there but gets excited to try and really happy when he gets it into his mouth (with my help).

PURCHASES: Nothing really this past week that I can think of- oh yeah- wipes.

SLEEP: Still going through the sleep regression stuff…I wonder when it will ever get better..He starts sleeping around 6:30 or so, makes it to about midnight and then is up at times every hour-hour 1/2…bottle around 5:00, back to sleep, up for the day around 7:00ish…still takes naps in between every bottle which is every 3 hours or there abouts….I get so tired by the end of the day- I am grumpy and start falling asleep around 7:00.

BEST MOMENT OF THE WEEK/MONTH: Well- my husband got a job!  Yay!  It happened to be one he DIDN’T apply for which really confirms to me, THIS is where God wants us.  I’ve learned A LOT from this whole experience- how to trust and depend on God for, well, everything…and no doubt will learn more as time goes on.  I’m happy and also a little sad we are at this turning point…cause with us both being at work it means Elliot will start day care…I’ll save that for another post.

WHAT I MISS: Being able to stay up past 9:00- although that was rare before sleep regression stuff.

WHAT I LOVE: Reading to Elliot- I think it’s my favorite time with him.  Each night I read him the “Going to Bed Book”- and each morning have been reading him 1 story from the Jesus Story Book Bible (BEST kids Bible around- TOTALLY reads like a kids story…I personally love it and have been gaining some rich truths each morning as I read- Win Win  :-))

WHAT I COULD DO WITH OUT: Same- work.  I want to be a SAHM.

LOOKING FORWARD TO: What our next couple weeks will look like…new things are always exciting 🙂

Motherhood Week 19- Just One of Those Update Thingys

HOW OLD IS ELLIOT: 19 weeks & 5 days

BABY THIS WEEK/MONTH:  It looked like he was starting to roll for a good couple days and since has lost interest.  He’s also getting good at being able to pick up something and put it in his mouth- hand eye coordination is def improving.

PURCHASES: Formula- any time there is a deal I snag it.

SLEEP: For the past 2 weeks he’s been going through the night with out needing a bottle or to be picked up or anything.  He does wake up and kinda moans, fusses until we go in and put a pacifier in his mouth- it seems to help soothe him back to sleep.  I don’t mind him have a pacifier at all, but I am thinking I may try and shove his thumb in his mouth so maybe he can start doing it himself when he wakes up- and then it’ll be sleeping through the night!

BEST MOMENT OF THE WEEK/MONTH: My husband’s Dad visited us for a couple days – Elliot LOVED him and gave SOOO many smiles.  Nothing makes me a prouder Momma than when Elliot makes people happy by his happiness which is quite contagious.

WHAT I MISS: Having time to just do nothing.

WHAT I LOVE: Finding a good baby bargain on diapers or wipes.

WHAT I COULD DO WITH OUT: Being at work.  I feel like I really have missed a ton of time with Elliot- by the time I come home at times he’s already asleep for the night- and if he isn’t I have just enough time to give him a bottle and put him to bed.

LOOKING FORWARD TO: Prayers being answered….one way or another.

Motherhood Week 18- Just One of Those Update Thingys

HOW OLD IS ELLIOT: 18 weeks & 5 days (oh so technical)

BABY THIS WEEK/MONTH:  Sleep regression- it’s happening (from what I gather).  More on that under “sleep”.  Elliot has started to really want to roll…at night he seems to get himself stuck on his side and get upset, as soon as I roll him back- he smiles and then rolls right over again & this continues for a little bit.  He’s funny.  Still eating the baby oatmeal- but not always interested.  His cries are starting to sounds more like a hi-ptched horse.  It’s amazing how all of a sudden one day something changes like that.

PURCHASES: Formula, diapers, wipes- you know.. the usual.  Diapers are just crazy.  I feel like every time I buy a bigger size he’s grown out of them a week later!  I had to move him up to a size 4- A SIZE 4!!!  My 2 year old nephew wears a size four! He was having some poop explosions (up the that happens I don’t know) so I figured having some more room couldn’t hurt.  So far so good.

SLEEP: As said, I believe we are experiencing he 4 month sleep regression which is when babies start a new (and permanent) sleep cycle…they can now go into deep and light sleep- which up until this point he was only deep sleeping (hence being able to vacuum while he naps). So it seems while he adjusts to this new sleep pattern he wakes more frequently (I knew I jinxed it last post!)..first night was the worst (woke every hour and 1/2 to 2 hours) and night 2 and 3 not as bad and as of last night he went to bed around 7:00- woke once at 10:00 to eat, once at 4:00 to be soothed back to sleep and again at 5:15, at that point I gave him a bottle and he slept till 8:00.  I consider that a success.

BEST MOMENT OF THE WEEK/MONTH: To be honest- getting my hair cut..FINALLY.  It’s been since March, it was time…and just having a mini “something for myself” time was AWESOME!

WHAT I MISS: I dunno, can’t think of anything right now..pretty content.

WHAT I LOVE: Just being with my boy.

WHAT I COULD DO WITH OUT: The impending winter- hate the cold, hate the dark evenings and mornings and I wonder how I will survive walking up & down our crazy steep steps carrying 17lb Elliot in his carrier.  Salt and sand is in our future for sure.

LOOKING FORWARD TO: When Elliot will really start to snuggle.  When does that happen?  Intentional hugs and all that?

Motherhood Week 19- 4 Month Sleep Regression

Soooo, I think we have hit the magical mark of the 4 month sleep regression.  I have heard so much about this and have thought some how, “this won’t happen to us!”…well after getting up every hour and 1/2 to 2 hours last night I think it may not pass us by.

This came JUST as Elliot started to sleep through the night- of course.  I am going to be doing some “reading up” on the subject but so far what I hear is to just try and get them to go back to sleep by whatever means they are use to- and could last a couple weeks, maybe longer.  We never really had to do anything to get Elliot to sleep after he hit 2 months or so, he’d rub his eyes and I’d change his diaper and plop him in his crib with a pacifier.  Last night my husband and I took turns getting up and putting the paci in his mouth…it’d take a little longer than usual but he’d eventually go back to sleep- to then wake up again about an hour and 1/2 later.  I was trying not to feed him since we got him to not need the middle of the night feeding- but at 4:00am I had enough.  I needed at least 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep before I got up for work.  He slept for about 3 and 1/2 hours so that was good.

I hear there will be more sleep regressions in our future so when we get “past” this one I will try and not get super use to our sleep schedule….if we get on one!

Any advice from seasoned Mommies- or Mommies currently going though this…lay it on me!

Motherhood Week 17- Just One of Those Update Thingys- 4 Months!

HOW OLD IS ELLIOT: 4 whole months today

BABY THIS WEEK/MONTH:  17lbs 10 oz and 26 1/2 inches long. Getting better with tummy time- can lift his body a tad now with his arms, has almost rolled over, LOVES looking, smiling, talking and screaming at himself in the mirror.  Likes to hold toys now and inspect them.  Waking less at night- most of the time only once around 3:00 or 4:00.  Started Baby Oatmeal- so fun to watch him learn to eat and he LOVES it.  Loves the “I’m a little teapot” song and being “tipped”

PURCHASES: Formula, diapers, wipes- you know.. the usual.

SLEEP: So not to totally jinx it- but the past couple nights Elliot has been sleeping through the night- which to me means the first time he wakes up is 5:00 or later and has gone to bed by 9:00.  One night he slept from 6:15-6:15 (woke once and all he needed was a pacifier and his lovie and he was back to sleep)- I still won’t consider him an official through the night sleeper until it’s a consistent thing for a straight week or more.

BEST MOMENT OF THE WEEK/MONTH: Watching Elliot eat oatmeal.  I was debating whether to start him now or wait- his Doc gave the Ok and Elliot is growing like crazy so I think the extra calories may be a good thing for him.  The first time he got MAYBE a spoonful in his mouth and swallowed..the next two times he finished the bowl.  Nothing like seeing him learn a new skill.

WHAT I MISS: I kinda miss sleeping in sometimes.  I am pretty “awake” now when Elliot gets up- but there’s no more staying in bed just cause you can.

WHAT I LOVE: Elliot’s smile & laugh

WHAT I COULD DO WITH OUT: Dark evenings- I hate this time of year, I go home and feel like I should be going to bed!

LOOKING FORWARD TO: All the things Elliot will learn this month!