Week 30, Day 7- Building Lady Muscles

Yeah- I’m talking about the muscles “down there”.  This weekend I came to the conclusion that I should probably start on those kegel exercises (better late than never right?).  I noticed a couple times with in the past couple weeks that after going to the bathroom I would pull my pants up and a little pee would come out.  It was annoying.  After Googling some it seemed like maybe it’s time to get my bladder and lady muscles in check.  Besides doing Kegels, it seems as though it’s also a good idea to just go when you gotta go rather than hold it (which is usually what I do).  I thought it’s best to just hold it as long as possible and have a “good solid (well not really solid) pee” than go every 1/2 hour- BUT it seems it’s better for your bladder if you do go when you feel the urge…so I’ve been doing that along with kegels AS I am going.  It’s kinda fun & I chuckle every time I do it since it seems like such a 5 year old thing to do. But,  I figure if every time I go to the bathroom and pee-stop-pee-stop-pee stop (you get the hint) at least I know I am using that muscle (sometimes I am just not 100% I am doing them right) and I am getting in some exercise. 🙂

Besides going to the bathroom about 15 times already today (sorry planet Earth’s water supply)…I also got a bout of ravenous pregnancy hunger and went to the super market during a break and brought back 3 bags of “snacks”.  I figure it should last me a couple weeks and now I don’t have to worry about forgetting to pack the darn things in the morning.  My brain is not so good at remembering much these days.  I think I am finally a pregnant lady.

Week 22, Day1 – One of Those Update Thingys


BABY THIS WEEK:About 11 inches, 1 lb (finally into the L-B’s..GO Elliot!) more development of taste buds and nerve endings- he may be able to feel things now and I can’t wait for him to feel my first kiss on his sweet cheeks : )

MY WEIGHT GAIN: About 14 lbs, maybe more or less depending on the day

MATERNITY CLOTHES: This question is gonna get old (Maybe I will have to change this soon)…Yes..on the pants occasionally- yes on the shirts occasionally.  Otherwise I mix in my “normal” clothes too with the help of the tummy sleeve.

SLEEP: Still really good- I do get achy hips and legs I feel..maybe time to start sleeping with a pillow between my legs?  Also although I am not big I feel like turning over is kind of a chore.  My stomach feels so tight at times that if I lean a certain way (or cough…) I feel like I’ll pull a muscle!

BEST MOMENT OF THE WEEK:  Day trip with my husband…talking about Eliot…having my hubby feel Elliot move around.

FOOD: Eating what I like- trying to be as healthy as I can.  I def eat plenty of fruit I feel- I would love to incorporate more leafy greens but can’t really stand spinach salads at the moment…Love broccoli though.

SYMPTOMS:  Acne- on the back which seems to be “ok” this week…getting full fast and wanting to snack shortly after meals…

MOOD: Still feeling good for the most part- getting  a little more emotional and sensitive about things, especially when it concerns Elliot and anything about his future.

MOVEMENT: Still no strong kicks so to say…def movement, still feels low and like I can tell which organ he’s brushing up against..like my lower intestine…it’s strange, but that’s what it feels like sometimes.

WHAT I MISS:  The occasional drink- when weather gets nice my FAVORITE thing is having a Corona outside, would have celebrated the weather this weekend in that way if I could.  Otherwise, I miss not being scared to turn over when I sleep.

LOOKING FORWARD TO: Elliot’s room being free of house guests!  I don’t know when this is going to happen exactly but I can’t wait to get in there and get things going!!!

Week 21, Day 7- Should I Have Watched That?

I had heard of some other Mommies to Be on here that had watched the documentary, The Business of Being Born and found it helpful and informative.  I told my husband the other day we should watch it and yesterday we did.  I have some mixed feelings about it all.  Although I am happy to realize there are many alternatives to the nowadays “normal” way of giving birth- I am also left with feelings of “will I do this right?”  I love documentaries, I do- but one thing I always have to step back and realize is they have an agenda.  Rarely are they trying to give equal opportunity to each side of the argument, that’s not their purpose. 

As stated I had a lot of mixed feelings during and after the program and still do.  I like seeing an opposing view after watching something like that so I can get both sides of the coin so to say.  I found another blog on here called “Debunking the Business of Being Born” and although I don’t think I’ll read much more than the one of 6 blogs that were posted on the topic, it at least gave me a sense that- yeah, the BOBB was extremely one sided, and the idea that we should “let our bodies do what our bodies will do with minimal medical intervention” when it comes to labor is pretty much the only philosophy we should live by is what it was trying to convey. To be honest I like this idea, I like the idea that my body is “designed” to do just that, host life and give birth to it, with out complication.  But let’s be honest, if our bodies WERE perfect in doing this there would be no such things as miscarriage, breached babies and pre-term labor…amongst many other things. So although I like the idea of “this is how it should be” it simply is not always the case.  I want to be open and not scared into having ONLY natural childbirth as I also don’t want to be scared into having a C-Section if it is not in the least bit necessary.  I would love for the people around me to just be knowledgeable and respect my wishes as long as what I want isn’t crazy talk.

My ultimate wishes as of this moment is:

#1 To go as long as I can, I do not wish to be induced prior to going into labor for sure.  Even if I am an uncomfortable mess, I want to remind myself that labor inducing drugs does cause a “harder, longer more painful labor” (in general) and I’d rather just let my body do what it’s going to do in that sense. 

#2  Try to go as long as possible with out an epidural.  One thing the BOBB said that I truly find fascinating is how your hormones kick in and release all this “feel good” stuff right after, not the technical term..lol..but I am too lazy to look up right now.  I’d love to have that experience of complete pain to then have a glorious moment of “THIS is why I went through all of that” when I first hold my baby and we both are filled with an intoxicating mixture of natural chemicals (as weird as that sounds…it’s what happens naturally- the body and brain are simply an amazing thing).  I love to look at all the ways life experiences speaks to us about greater things and the whole, going through pain & discomfort of child birth to come to something beautiful is a great picture of just that.  We experience this over and over in our lives in all different ways.  To try and dull the pain to make it comfortable for me, may not always be the best option- and this goes for SOOO many things in life I truly believe.

#3  I really want to give birth standing up or at least in a more upright position.  NEVER would I have thought I’d be some one who would want to do this but after seeing the BOBB and reading up on the ways to give birth, this to me sounds like the no brainer.  Gravity helps the baby along and I am pretty sure this is what they did “in the fields” back in the day…I am not sure what my hospital allows with this, but I’ll have to ask. 

#4  I want to have a birth plan, but I also want to be able to go with the flow.  I don’t want to be so head strong about natural childbirth that I am fighting my Doctor’s advice.  Although the BOBB pretty much made it sounds like Doctors NEVER experience a “natural” childbirth I think that is a bunch of baloney.  I know plenty of people who went to the hospital and never got any drugs and just had the baby naturally- in a hospital setting.  They know it’s possible and not all Doctor’s are as insensitive as they make them sound.

#5  I want my husband to read up on all this stuff too- I want him to be able to support me in my choices as well as maybe “coach” me through the difficult times where I may want to give in and just give up on the whole process.  He’s such a great guy and I love leaning on him for support and advice and I really don’t want this to be any different even though it’s “my body”- and he’s technically not experiencing it in the same way.  I still want him to be involved in the decision making. We are a team and I don’t plan on having that change once I go into labor.  On the contrary I want to be able to rely on him for quite a lot when I do!

Well, that’s all I got this Monday morning.  I know I talk a good talk now about wanting to do this thing as naturally as possible- but I am also not going to be surprised if the moment I go into labor I am screaming “give me drugs and get this baby out” and I give in to “the business” as they say.  However I experience birth it’s going to be amazing- whether I “feel” the amazingness of it right after- or down the road when I look back on the experience.  Whatever happens, it will be my husband’s, Elliot’s and my own experience, no one else’s….and that is going to be an awesome thing.

Week 21, Day 2- Thank Goodness For Friends With Kids!

Last night I went to Target (Also known as Tar-shay) to start registering for Elliot’s shower!  I was SOOO excited- I had already been online and looking at things and wanted to see as much as I could up close and personal.  Let me just tell you the second I walked into the infant section I just felt overwhelmed, and Target’s infant department isn’t terribly big either!  My friend who has 2 girls, a soon to be 3 year old and 6 month old was happy to come a long with me and give me some support and advice.  I am so happy she did!

Started off at diapers and worked our way down to the end…I never realized how much I don’t know about babies and what they need and when.  I have been pretty laid back about this pregnancy (to my surprise- I attribute my laid backness to my husband who is EXTREMELY laid back and it’s rubbing off on me- thank God!) and figured I’d be the same about the registry and all the “stuff”.  For the most part I wasn’t freaking out about colors or brand names- but more about – how many do I need?  do I really need that?  I don’t need that, do I- oh I do?!  My friend could give me the honest truth of what her kids used, liked and some alternatives I could do to the traditional registry items.  ALL very helpful and appreciated!

So after spending about 2 hours, my brain was fried.  I certainly didn’t finish it all but have a REALLY good start and also an idea of what I should register for at the next place- Babies R Us.  I think I will go there with the hubsters and let him have some fun with the scanner.  I know he’ll enjoy some of that stuff- like sports themed onesies and blankets…breast feeding supplies- not so much I am sure (I’ll just do that online on my own).

I”ll post some links to my registry when it’s completed.  One thing I found helpful was looking at random registries and seeing what others were getting (I found another couple on the Target registry list that had the same names as us!  Super weird…apparently they are having a boy and planning on breastfeeding..it’s amazing what you can find out about a person by creeping on their registry ;-)).

So my plan of attack on registering:

Pick a theme- color- general idea of what you want your nursery to look like

Go online and search some stores you may register at and see what they have for bedding (this is how I chose Target)- this I felt was the major difference in stores…everything else baby is pretty similar and standard.

Pick another store to give yourself and your guests some options (an awesome site myregistry.com- you can register ANYWHERE that has an online buying options (even Etsy!) and keep it all in one place)

Print a check list and start hi-lighting the things you will need (maybe you have friends who are already giving you hand me downs?)

Go online and read reviews for the big ticket items- put them on your registry (online) and then go to the store and check them out (if possible)

Go to the store and bring a “current” mother.  I say current cause let’s face it, your memory does start going after your kids have grown.

Pick up the gun and scan scan scan!  I was hesitant to go crazy- but I felt as though I did…and when I look at the registry now it really doesn’t look all that big!  I plan on putting multiples of things, different brands, colors, prices and what not and whittling it down in the next week or so once I go to my second place.  If it’s in your hand and you like it- scan it..you can always take things off later!

Happy Baby Registering to you all!   How has that been going- where did you register and what’s your plan of attack?

Week 20, Day 1- One of Those Update Thingys..HALFWAY MARK!

HOW FAR ALONG: 20 Weeks today!!!!  Official member of the 1/2 way club (which really isn’t quite half way considering the first 2 weeks of pregnancy you are not pregnant….but by the numbers I am half way.)

BABY THIS WEEK: Size of a small cantaloupe- I LOVE cantaloupes so I know just how big my little boy is. 

MY WEIGHT GAIN: Last time I checked about 10lbs (maybe more after you read my “Food” comment)

MATERNITY CLOTHES: Tummy Sleeve mostly- maternity pants occasionally…and a mix of normal and maternity shirts.  I mostly only wear the maternity shirts cause I am sick of my other wardrobe and new clothes are new clothes to me, always welcome the change.

SLEEP: Still really good, not uncomfortable yet…peeing once in the middle of the night and Elliot seems to be most active in the morning after I wake up…kinda like I have to roll on my back and wake HIM up!  I hope I he continues this sleeping through the night thing!

BEST MOMENT OF THE WEEK:  REALLY feeling some good kicks…even as we speak!  Also my friend’s adoption shower turned out AMAZING and it makes me so happy for her and her hubby…just getting closer to all the girls in our little group has been great and that shower really brought us together.

FOOD: Omigosh!  I have been SOOO bad about eating sweets…I brought home goodies from the shower and have been eating them non stop.  I ate almost a whole plate of cake last night!  It’s terrible- but really, it’s awesome.   But yes, also terrible.  Sigh…once I finish those treats I’ll try and be better 😉

SYMPTOMS:  Same- peeing and acne.  More kicks…that’s about it!

MOOD: Still feeling good and have yet to have a mood swing!  I think I was worse with PMS, so some how I got lucky!

MOVEMENT: As stated, more noticeable and def an odd feeling….no more little pokes or popping..it’s just different..

WHAT I MISS:  MY HUSBAND!  I’ll be picking him up from the airport tomorrow and I can’t wait!!!

LOOKING FORWARD TO: Having my husband home and being able to talk more about our little Elliot with him!

Week 19, Day 7- Random Thoughts and Happenings

My Baby Ap says Elliot is the size of an Heirloom Tomato- what does that mean?  Tomorrow he will graduate to small cantaloupe and then the week after be a banana- most looking forward to the banana stage, it’s way more easy to picture : )

I am SWIMMING in “showers”- I just threw one for my friend & her husband who are adopting.  It turned out AMAZING and it made me so happy I could do this for her (with the help of friends- 75 guests, you can’t do it all on your own!!) It was like one big kid’s party and Pinterest worthy.  It was awesome.  The next day I started planning for my bestest friend’s wedding shower which will be in April- so pumped for that.  We are doing a Kentucky Derby style which means a big ass hat and a new dress from Motherhood Maternity which I LOVE and is having an awesome sale right now.  I am JUMPING on it immediately.  THEN will come MY shower!!!  All I know is it will be the beginning of May since my friend’s wedding is at the end of May and she’s planning it with my sister…any later would go into her Honey moon and any closer to the end of May may be too close to her wedding and be too stressful.  I am happy for whatever it is they do- I just can’t wait for Elliot to arrive!!

We have a friend of my husband’s staying with us for a bit while he tries to find a place to live and secure a job.  Currently he and his dog are living in the baby’s room- I am trying my best to be patient and remember I don’t need 4 months to get things ready in there, but 2 may be helpful.  : )  I hope he gets everything figured out before we have to have “the talk”.

My husband’s grandfather passed away on Thursday and he’s been across country since Friday attending funeral stuff.  I couldn’t go because of time off from work and having to save the time for maternity leave- I am sad he will miss tomorrow which is the half way point in the pregnancy!!!  I guess as long as he’s there for the birth, I shouldn’t complain.  I do miss him like heck and we are never apart for this long.n  He won’t be back till Wednesday evening.  Boo!!!

I have felt Elliot move and kick A LOT more lately and it makes me happy.  This time I can’t really mistake it and I told my husband maybe by the time he gets home they’ll be strong enough for him to feel.  The other morning I swear I could feel one by hand…we shall see.  He seems to be most active right when I wake up.  Maybe he’s an early riser like his Momma.

I think that’s all I got for now…tomorrow I’ll be more organized with one of those update thingys : )  Happy Monday to you all and Happy Half Ways to so many on here who have hit there 20 weeks- I’ll be joining you tomorrow!!!!



Week 18, Day 4- A Little FutureMe Action

Have you heard of the website FutureMe.org?  I am in LOVE with it.  Basically you write letter to your Future Self and choose which day you will receive your email.  It can be either a couple months or a couple years..or MANY years into the future if you like.  The fun part is that you won’t be able to go back and read it until the site sends it to you.  Hopefully that explains what it is I am talking about. 

I read one of these emails today I had sent myself, written when I was only 7 weeks pregnant.  I used to be a big prayer journaler- almost daily.  I would write out my prayer which basically was me talking to God about all that was going on, my thoughts, my fears, my anxieties…I always enjoyed going back and re-reading my entries and seeing how the things I worried about turned out and the way my prayers were answered (which usually was in ways I would never imagine) and sometimes I would see I may still be waiting or never did get that answer I was expecting.  I haven’t written many entries in my journal over the past year or more, I don’t know why- I just don’t.  I DO however do some FutureMe emails which are always fun to get and look back on and see where I was in the past and where I am now.  Thought I would share the one I wrote at 7 Weeks- when everything was so new and unsure.


Dear FutureMe,
I am a little reluctant right now to write this- I don’t believe in luck or jinxing things, but some how it’s always very hard for me to speak of things that are in the future- I am always afraid that they won’t come to pass and my excitement some how is foolish. If everything is going along as I pray it will- you are officially over the First Trimester! Woo hoo! You have been pretty worried these past few weeks- not losing sleep worried, but just general “what if” worried. Having no symptoms at 7 weeks makes you wonder “am I even pregnant?” But hopefully you are and hopefully you never did have to experience the morning sickness and fatigue everyone talks about.
Right now you feel like this will take an eternity- and when you really stop and think of everything you have to do- I guess it’s ok to have some time. It’s crazy to think that something is already here with me that will and has already changed my life forever- yet I can feel as though nothing is different at this very moment.
By this time you’ve already had your fist doctor appt which some how I am sensing will be really disappointing. So many get ultrasounds and heart beat checks and you have a strange feeling you’ll get neither. Hopefully by now you’ve heard a heart beat. Maybe the first Ultrasound will be when you find out if the little one is a boy or girl- that will be a fun day. It’s so weird talking like this cause I feel like I shouldn’t. Not until I have a belly and can feel a baby moving. Why didn’t God put a little window on your tummy to see inside?

Mostly I wanted to write out a prayer for me now and then.

Dear God,thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for the child you created inside of me. I pray that you would take away my worry. I pray that I would trust you today- and tomorrow in all of this. I pray that this first trimester would go smoothly with out complication and the second would also follow suit. I pray that you would guide me as I take care of this little one by taking care of my body. Lord, I pray that I do grow closer to you now I feel like my mind can take me so far from you. I want to go to you first. You who hold EVERYTHING in your hand. Please be with me today in whatever it is that I am doing.


I love seeing how worried and sure I was that I wasn’t going to hear the heartbeat at my first appointment, or have to wait to see the baby until the anatomy scan- I got both on my very first appointment!  It just shows that sometimes, maybe most- the things we worry will happen, won’t.  When we worry we feel like we are doing SOMETHING (I can’t control if I hear a heart beat, but I can worry about it)…and we always want to be doing something right?   Hoping my “something” going forward will be prayer and reliance on the One who has never failed me to date…Jesus.  Why worry when it doesn’t change outcomes- it only takes away from enjoying the moments we can control (kinda) the moments we are in right NOW…the moments we can choose to be thankful & grow closer to God.

Week 18, Day 3- One of Those Update Thingys

HOW FAR ALONG: 18 weeks & some change

BABY THIS WEEK: Size of a Sweet Potato…awwww.  Ears are developing and baby may be able to hear me- or at least my gastric juices flowing..Lucky baby..ha!

MY WEIGHT GAIN: I’d say about 9 lbs

MATERNITY CLOTHES: Discovered the Tummy Sleeve thanks to TuckedNeatlyAway.  All my regular pants are back in the rotation!  

SLEEP: Still really good, not uncomfortable yet.

BEST MOMENT OF THE WEEK:  Having dinner with my friend and her giving me a book that was special to her and her sons.  I look forward to reading it to my little one- maybe soon, they could be able to hear me!

FOOD: I am and have been finding it hard to eat straight up salads- unless they are made by some one else.  Weird I know.  Giving into sugar cravings, had a brownie batter filled donut yesterday and it was delicious.  I think I need to control those urges a little more though.

SYMPTOMS:  Still having to go to the bathroom more frequently.  Acne on the back and chin isn’t letting up 😦  Other than that, nothing to speak of.

MOOD: Still feeling good- a little anxious at times wondering how we’ll make it all work financially..but I am doing ok with it.  Trying to live One Day at a Time.

MOVEMENT: Questionable now whether I have been feeling baby or not.  I think I feel them poking me, but not those butterflies that everyone talks about.

WHAT I MISS:  At the moment, I am not missing a thing.

LOOKING FORWARD TO: February Freaking 4th! Will we have a Lenora or Elliot in our arms this July?!

Week 12, Day 7- First Trimester Wrap Up

You’ll hear something different from everyone as to when the First Trimester is officially over- I am going with the start of Week 13 ends your first and starts your second…soooo on my last day of my First Trimester I thought it would be good to do a little wrap up so to say and reflect back on this pretty wonderful time.  I’m just going to break it down into categories to make it easy.

Sleep/Energy Level:  For me, no change that I can really tell.  I feel like EVERYONE I have talked to at least had fatigue during their pregnancy.  I would say “I don’t feel pregnant, I have NO symptoms” and they would say “Oh, yeah I didn’t either..except for being SOOO tired” Yeah, well I didn’t have that either.  I am an early to bed person anyways especially during the winter…so do I start falling asleep around 7:30? Yes.  Is this something out of the ordinary for me in the winter time?  No.  Energy is fine as well, never felt overly sluggish or like I was too tired to do something during the day and didn’t take one nap.  I hope it keeps up!

Morning Sickness: None.  I did have the neurovirus which was no fun, but it only lasted 3 days so I can’t say I suffered much at all so far.

Food:  Cravings?  Nothing really- I think I thought I may crave sweets here and there but I am some one who likes to have dessert whenever I can…I may have been using pregnancy as an excuse.  I did find that some things just tasted SOOO good.  Like oranges, chocolate cake, lasagna, cereal, Chinese food and fast food (I know I know, I didn’t eat it every day- ok?).  I usually am a small portions kinda gal and then will wait an hour or so and go back for seconds..now it seems like I could load up on anything carby or just plain old not good for you food…hoping the Second Trimester I’ll get more of my original appetite back and like the simpler/healthier things.  Aversions?  None really, I was not a big fan of salads like I usually am..just not appealing and when I ate them I immediately wanted to stop after the first bite.  But other than that, nothing turned me off.

Hyper Sense of Smell: Nope..I feel like nothing changed there.

Body Changes: My stomach is certainly no longer flat…I held onto it until about Week 8 I would say and then it was on and off bloat..now I feel like I am FULL on bloat and I could look like I was 5 months pregnant if I wanted to wear clothes that accentuated the bloat.  My digestive track is certainly slower than slow but haven’t had to resort to prune juice or any OTC constipation relief yet.  As of today it looks like I have gained about 2-4 pounds since I found out I was pregnant.  For me that kind of weight fluctuation is pretty normal so I am not feeling bad about it.  The one thing that didn’t change (yet) that I was hoping they would is my boobs.  They feel like “period” full, but that never was a lot. If there is such a thing as going up an 1/8 of a cup size, that’s me.  Oh and acne on  my back…it’s probably my most noticeable symptom.  Those suckers hurt!

Mood:  Same, pretty much always good…haven’t had any mood swings (that I know of!)  I guess there have been times I have felt emotional..tearing up over happy things or sad things..or getting frustrated enough to raise my voice but it’s nothing that I don’t feel like I experienced on any other day I wasn’t pregnant.

Lifestyle Changes: Stopped drinking alcohol, cut out caffeine (although if I want a cup of caffeinated coffee I won’t deny myself), trying to snack on healthier things…more fruit, more nuts, more cheese.  Being a little more picky about what I eat- no eating leftovers that weren’t promptly refrigerated, staying away from food that is not well done..that kind of thing.  Over all though- not a whole lot of change that I can think of.

How Have I Changed in the Past 3 Months:  Well I am DEFINITELY past the worry wart stage..it was pretty crazy the first couple weeks and up until I had my first Doctor’s appointment.  I Googled WAY too much and worried about every little thing I ate, smelled or touched.  I find I was more aware of my pregnancy the first couple weeks than I am now…I remember to take my vitamins and never actually “forget” but it just isn’t always front and center of my brain..I feel like it’s part of who I am I guess and since it’s more natural I guess I don’t have to think about it.  I also find myself looking at little kids and smiling a lot more- just appreciating them and their little people ways.  Yes, I am that creepy lady at the food store who will strike up a convo with you in the deli line if you have a child under the age of 4 and ask questions about your kid…I’m sorry- I’m just excited!  And that is one more thing..the more I live out this pregnancy the more excited I become.  I thought the First Trimester would NEVER end and low and behold here we are- last day. If the 2nd and 3rd follow suit I am going to have a baby in my arms in the blink of an eye. 

So Good Bye First Trimester, you were good to me and I can’t say I didn’t have a good time- cause I did.  You brought me excitement and minimal discomforts and for that I thank you.  Hello to you Second Trimester- I’m so close to meeting you and experiencing all the fun YOU have to offer- feeling the baby move, growing a little bump- maybe getting some stuff done around the house and making it ready for a little baby.  Just get together with First Trimester and see if you can’t ease me a long like she did…if you are anything like the first…I may just want to go through all this again!

Week 12, Day 4- Feeling Bigger

Today I officially weighed the most I have weighed during the past 3 months.  I am not sure if I am having an off day or if all the extra calories or just plain old baby stuff is finally catching up to me.  I decided to squeeze into my skinniest jeans today knowing there may not be too many days ahead where I’ll be able to do this.  I am sure a lot of it is still bloat, BUT I do feel like my stomach is getting a little rounder and more pronounced as a “bump”- it’s getting exciting to think I’ll probably be really showing in about a month or so!

I decided to tell another guy at work today about my pregnancy- I think I am just going to casually mention it to everyone individually rather than do a big thing.  I am also wondering if I even want to do a big thing on Facebook….I don’t know why but some how I am not as gung ho about making it a big deal.  Probably cause 90% of the people on my FB do know and the other 10% are the old High School people you will NEVER talk to again so who really cares about making an announcement for them?  I can tell you I AM super excited about this little baby growing inside me (even though I STILL don’t feel pregnant- just rounder and more relaxed in the waist line)..but with the New Year coming up I think it’s the perfect time to be leaving the First Trimester behind and going into the Second.  It’s a busy weekend this weekend so I have a feeling it will go by fast- and then I’ll be in the Second Trimester!  Woo!!

Happy Friday!